A cross-channel opportunity to generate awareness and leads
The Arizent Advances in Tech program provides an opportunity for leading tech firms to showcase their latest software and technologies in a short video demo to leaders in our banking, financial services, insurance, accounting and mortgage industry communities.
Produced by our brand studio in virtual format and highlighted in our editorial print publications, the AIT program enables you to reach your target audience with the key capabilities of your new software or technology. The program also runs for 365 days throughout the year, ensuring that your product maintains a continuous presence in the community and for stakeholders during long buying cycles.

Our editorial channels will host two annual digital events in each of our communities where your demo will be presented.
- All shared leads delivered to you
- Recorded demo lives on the AIT channel for the remainder of your program
- Demo opportunity twice a year

Our publications create an insert page featuring the latest Advances in Tech demos for our subscribers twice a year.
- Product image
- Headline and description
- Call to action to visit demo pages
- Company contact

Our program is year-round, allowing your product’s capabilities to reach our communities throughout the year.
- Email promotion to our entire audience to drive traffic to your product and demo page
- Program promotion through AIT advertising on editorial site, 365 days a year
- Native modules rotating through participating brands, 365 days