Accounting Today today released its Top 100 Firms ranking, the brand’s 20th annual compendium of the leading U.S. public accounting companies by revenue. Big Four firm Deloitte tops the list, with $14.9 billion in revenue. PricewaterhouseCoopers ($11.8 billion), Ernst & Young ($9.9 billion), KPMG ($6.9 billion) and McGladrey ($1.5 billion) round out the top five.
In addition to its national ranking, Accounting Today lists the top firms by region – Capital, Great Lakes, Gulf Coast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, New England, Southeast, Southwest and West – as well as by practice type, including tax and management advisory services.
The annual rankings have become the industry benchmark by which CPA firms compare their businesses.
The Top 100 Firms report is available at and was published as a supplement to Accounting Today’s March issue.
Accounting Today surveyed more than 300 accounting firms across the country with 235 firms replying – a record number of respondents. In addition to revenue and other financial and operational data, the editors collect information on the number of each firm’s partners, its staff, fees, service areas, client niches, and recruiting and retention strategies.The 2015 Top 100 is based on fiscal 2014 revenue. Among the key findings from this year’s survey:
- The Top 100 firms grew revenue an average of 8.4 percent in 2014
- Nine firms reported revenue growth rates of more than 20 percent.
- The five fastest-growing firms by revenue are: Elliott Davis Decosimo, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, Montgomery Coscia Greilich, Gallina and Citrin Cooperman & Co.
- Recruiting and retaining qualified staff remains a top concern and CPA firms says they are responding with many creative strategies, including college outreach, job-shadowing, and intensified mentoring programs
“The Top 100 Firms report is a spotlight on the best in the profession,” said Accounting Today Editor-in-Chief Daniel Hood. “Not only are these firms growing, they’re also innovative, forward-thinking and creative when it comes to serving their clients, creating opportunities for their staff, and pushing the profession forward. The featured firms are operating at the top of their game.”
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Accounting Today is the information resource the nation's CPAs turn to for news, analysis, research and commentary on accounting, auditing, financial planning, taxes, technology and practice management.
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