NEW YORK (April 17, 2018) – SourceMedia, a digital business information and performance media company serving senior-level decision-makers in finance, technology and healthcare, today announced that Financial Planning and American Banker had brought home Jesse H. Neal Awards, among business media’s most prestigious honors.
Financial Planning, which serves the wealth management community, was named Best Media Brand, an honor bestowed on information services exhibiting “overall editorial excellence.” American Banker, which serves the banking and financial services community, won two awards, for “Best Single Article” and “Best Profile.”
SourceMedia was a finalist in a record 16 Neal categories in 2018’s competition, including Best Technical Content, Best Infographics, and Best Overall Art Direction / Design. An immersive site – published by Financial Planning – was a finalist in two categories. And the company had two Best Media Brand finalists: American Banker and Financial Planning.
“SourceMedia’s Neal Awards reflect our deep commitment to informing and engaging professional communities through relevant, useful content, compellingly presented,” said SourceMedia’s Chief Content Officer David Longobardi. “This year’s winners and finalists reflect both the breadth of our capabilities and the depth of our coverage.”
Financial Planning’s win for Best Media Brand represents the second consecutive year in which it took home that title. The brand – led by Editorial Director Scott Wenger and Editor in Chief Chelsea Emery – won a total four Neals in 2017, including Best Website, Best Commentary/Blog, and Best News Coverage.
American Banker’s Best Single Article honors went to a feature story by the brand’s Editor in Chief Rob Blackwell: How far does American Samoa have to go to get a bank? The article took a close look at the ultimately successful effort to make banking more accessible to the island’s 60,000 residents, who bank on just seven ATMs. Blackwell’s work was also the Runner-Up for 2018’s Grand Neal, the program’s “best in show.” American Banker was further honored for “Best Profile” for an in-depth study of one of the industry’s disruptors: Inside Ripple's Plan to Make Money Move as Fast as Information.
“SourceMedia is honored to be recognized by Connectiv for its editorial and product excellence and commitment to the communities we serve,” said the company’s Chief Executive Officer Gemma Postlethwaite. “SourceMedia’s winning entries reflect the company’s commitment to quality content and leading-edge distribution platforms.”
Bestowed by Connectiv, The Business Information Association, the Neal Awards recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media.
About SourceMedia
SourceMedia, an Observer Capital company, is an innovative, growing digital business information and performance media company serving senior-level professionals in the financial, technology and healthcare sectors. Brands include American Banker, PaymentsSource, The Bond Buyer, Financial Planning, Accounting Today, Mergers & Acquisitions, National Mortgage News, Employee Benefit News and Health Data Management.
Petra Hailu