What actually keep bank customers loyal and engaged?

A look at where tech marketers can make an impact

As banks and financial institutions continue to innovate their customer experience with the goal of keeping and attracting new users, marketers who seek to reach those institutions also need to change and innovate. 

Over 8,500 U.S. consumers shared their direct experiences across 50 financial institutions as the basis for this report. 

Research by American Banker and Monigle highlight where the key UX opportunities lie for FIs to innovate and where tech marketers can make an impact. 

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By delivering the right solutions to fit evolving bank client expectations, vendors can help FOs compete more effectively in this multi-dimensional landscape while enhancing their own growth and performance.

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In this market, everyone wants leads to turn into sales even faster. But smart companies know that when spending slows, establishing a relationship is even more important than in boom times—and know that investing in content .

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