The Institute of Management Accountants reported record growth in 2020 despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the accounting profession.
The institute released the pair of reports as companies increasingly rely on their CFOs and accounting departments to help them survive beyond the coronavirus pandemic.
Finance executives are likely to hold onto their greater responsibilities once the pandemic subsides.
The Institute of Management Accountants has launched a new promotional campaign to highlight the role of Certified Management Accountants in real-world situations.
Company controllers have needed to burnish their technology skills during the coronavirus pandemic.
Robotic process automation has been spreading across accounting and finance departments, according to an IMA report.
The Institute of Management Accountants recently released a pair of reports on how CFOs can help their organizations provide more sustainable business activities.
The Institute of Certified Management Accountants also announced a change in the testing window schedule for 2020, due to COVID-19.
Management accountants and CFOs can play an important role in guiding companies through the strategic options available to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Accountants and finance pros have led in formulating strategy, anticipating risk and determining the best course of action to move forward.