Housing inventory

Potential home buyers walk past an "Open House" sign displayed in the front yard of a property for sale in Columbus, Ohio.
Tobias Peter
June 8, 2020 10:05 AM

One segment of the market, at least, has proved more resilient than many feared early on in the crisis.

3 Min Read
Missoula, Mont.
By David Erickson
March 29, 2020 4:45 PM

It doesn't appear that the slowing local and national economy has had much of an effect on the Missoula, Mont., real estate market yet, which has been a seller's market since the end of the last recession.

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Existing Home Sales

Sales of previously owned homes surged in February to the fastest pace in 13 years, highlighting a flurry of activity in the housing market before the economic repercussions of the coronavirus.

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Home construction

Homebuilder sentiment fell to a four-month low in March as expectations of future sales dimmed amid a virus outbreak that threatens to dent activity across the industry and cause a recession.

1 Min Read
By Katherine Khashimova Long
March 6, 2020 11:45 AM

Even as concern over the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus mounts, the most recent data on area home sales from the Northwest Multiple Listing Service shows the market for Seattle-area residential realty remains hot.

3 Min Read
Colorado Living. Centennial, Colorado - Denver Metro Area Residential Panorama
By Aldo Svaldi
March 4, 2020 12:20 PM

Above-average snowfall and rising concerns about the coronavirus didn't put a damper on local home sales last month, according to the Denver Metro Association of Realtors.

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