The bi-state transportation agency's executive director, Rick Cotton, recovered from virus than three weeks after testing positive.
Bond-financed student housing was already facing headwinds when the COVID-19 crisis sent most tenants home.
The operators of the venue argue that COVID-19's economic impact makes a $400 million expansion all the more important.
The rapid spread of COVID-19 creates a great deal of uncertainty about the well-being of U.S. colleges and universities.
"Like all businesses, we are operating in a period of uncertainty which may last several months," Virgin Trains/Brightline President Patrick Goddard said.
The Los Angeles and San Diego school districts warned that extraordinary costs mean their budgets may not balance.
A shutdown of large public gatherings due to virus's pandemic cost the Manhattan cultural organization its investment grade rating.
Many borrowers will suffer unless the program, the central bank's latest response to the coronavirus pandemic, includes consumer loans issued by fintechs.
Emulating traditional advisors, digital advisors are moving in the direction of planning offerings and advisor-client contact (albeit virtual).
Seeing the size and variation in average returns among a variety of asset classes offers perspective for those who are anxious.