
Superstorm Sandy-NYSE-Hurricane-Bloomberg News
Todd Cipperman
March 23, 2020 5:34 PM

We've had many chances to learn, from the dot-com bust to the 2008 financial crisis. But the storm is perhaps most applicable to our current situation.

4 Min Read
The Fed is establishing two new credit facilities aimed at providing credit to large businesses: the Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility for new bond and loan issuance and the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, which is focused on outstanding corporate bonds.
March 23, 2020 8:25 AM

The Federal Reserve committed Monday to conducting more asset purchases of Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities and announced $300 billion in new financing for credit facilities.

2 Min Read
March 20, 2020 12:20 PM

The central bank said its program to support money market mutual funds will also serve as a backstop for state and local governments.

1 Min Read
The dramatic late-night step was the central bank’s third emergency lending facility in two days, after the Fed on Tuesday unleashed measures to support the commercial paper market and primary dealers.

The Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, established under the central bank’s emergency authority, echoes a version that was set up during the global financial crisis.

3 Min Read
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has suggested that the central bank could issue more forward guidance and direct more asset purchases. But Powell has also urged the White House and Congress to take actions on their own.
March 17, 2020 4:12 PM

The Federal Reserve's support for the commercial paper market made clear that it was willing to go beyond cutting interest rates, but the central bank may feel pressure to do even more as the crisis worsens.

6 Min Read
Aaron Weitzman
March 12, 2020 3:59 PM

Career veterans call fallout from COVID-19 concerns on the municipal market worse than that of 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis combined.

9 Min Read
Federal Reserve building

The central bank is trying to get ahead of possible funding disruptions caused by the coronavirus. Policymakers want to avert a repeat of September, when short-term borrowing costs spiked amid imbalances in supply and demand for cash.

2 Min Read