
Lynn Ballou
October 23, 2020 11:37 AM

Add in the complexities of this year’s presidential race, and we have a recipe for uncertainty and fear.

4 Min Read
KFC Yum! Center
June 22, 2020 5:00 PM

The ratings on the Louisville, Kentucky's KFC Yum! Center bonds were lowered to BBB-plus by S&P because of expected operational difficulties.

3 Min Read
June 15, 2020 2:29 PM

With about two weeks before the fiscal 2021 starts, the Florida Legislature still hasn't submitted a budget to Gov. Ron DeSantis.

3 Min Read
"We've created this cliff effect" on who is eligible, said Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., adding that he shares concerns of others about how long it is taking the Fed to launch the Main Street program.
Neil Haggerty
June 2, 2020 3:16 PM

Members of both parties raised concerns that the requirements for participating in the Municipal Liquidity Facility and Main Street Lending Program are too restrictive to benefit smaller localities and certain midsize firms.

3 Min Read
Sarah Wynn
May 12, 2020 2:06 PM

More issuers are missing bond payments and deadlines for filing annual financials; the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans filed for bankruptcy partially blaming COVID-19, affecting $41 million of bonds.

4 Min Read
 Jay Dardenne
May 4, 2020 3:40 PM

S&P Global Ratings said balancing the state budget "will be met against a growing cloud of uncertainty” between the recession and COVID-19.

3 Min Read
Chip Barnett
May 1, 2020 2:45 PM

Issuance in the public finance sector is likely to contract in 2020, S&P Research says.

3 Min Read
Traders On The Floor Of The NYSE As Trump's Speech Spooks Investors 3/12/20
Kimberly Foss
April 28, 2020 12:54 PM

I am advising some clients to ladder maturities to lock in more dependable tax-free income streams — especially for those in states with high income taxes, like California.

4 Min Read
April 27, 2020 4:58 PM

The central bank expanded the reach of the program as pressure mounts on the government to support localities struggling economically because of the coronavirus pandemic.

1 Min Read
April 23, 2020 3:12 PM

In a voluntary market notice, Florida outlines its actions to address the public health crisis caused by COVID-19.

3 Min Read