Most of the Top 100 CPA firms reportedly are showing significant increases in revenue in their SUT practices.
The Internal Revenue Service is giving extra time to companies that make and sell sport fishing and archery equipment to file and pay their excise taxes due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
In today’s COVID-19 world where nothing seems normal, and “new normals” are popping up in every business operation, service businesses are trying to make up for lost income and rising expenses in creative ways that will lessen the financial impact of COVID-19.
The explosion in e-commerce since early March has resulted in a significant increase in online sales tax revenues in most states.
Business leaders and accountants should understand three significant SALT issues, if they're expecting an increase of remote employees working in new state or local tax jurisdictions this year.
Fiscal blow to MPEA's operations and tax collections follow the halt to trade and convention business that began in March.
Sales taxes are a pillar of the Texas state budget, and the usually stable revenue source has taken a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic.
When lawmakers cast the final vote on the 2021 budget, they won’t have updated revenue projections but other states and industries do.